he More You Fail to Refuse,The More You Harm Yourself
In life, we often agree to do things we are unwilling to do because we feel awkward refusing others.
However, not everyone will be grateful. Once kindness goes too far, it can breed greed.
To live a relaxed and free life, learning to refuse is a necessary lesson.
We seem to find it hard to resist seemingly minor requests for help in daily life.
We often lack the courage to refuse, fearing that saying "no" will hurt others or damage relationships.
But the more you fail to refuse, the harder life becomes. Always accommodating others will ultimately harm yourself.
When others get used to your help, your refusal might make you seem like a bad person in their eyes. Therefore, every favor should be done within your limits, and every contribution should be valued, not taken for granted.
Pay less attention to others' thoughts and more to your own feelings. Focus your energy on more worth while things, this is the beginning of a freer life.
Not everyone in life knows when to stop. If you do not know how to refuse, others will take advantage and make endless demands until you can no longer bear it.
We often say to be kind to others, which is not wrong.
But fulfilling others' requests without boundaries will only harm yourself.